World Book Day 2022

Welcome to World Book Day 2022! On 23 April, THE WHOLE WORLD read books and celebrate reading for pleasure together. 

What is World Book Day?

World Book Day changes lives through a love of books and shared reading. Our mission is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own.

Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success – more than their family circumstances, their parents’ educational background or their income. We want to see more children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, with a life-long habit of reading for pleasure and the improved life chances this brings them.

For details:

World Book Capital

Every year, one city is designated as UNESCO World Book Capital to carry out activities with the aim of encouraging a culture of reading and diffusing its values in all ages and population groups in and out of the national borders. In 2022, the Mexican city of Guadalajara is taking up the mantle of World Book Capital, with a year-long programme that focuses on the role of books and reading in triggering social change, combating violence, and building a culture of peace.

How you can celebrate

How can we celebrate World Book Day 2022? We can all spend some time to read, and take part in some territory-wide or world-wide activities, for example:

  1. Take part in the online events of Hong Kong Reading Day organised by Hong Kong Publishing Professionals Society.
  1. Amazon is giving away 10 Kindle ebooks from around the world. The 10 ebooks are free for download through April 27. 
  1. Visit SPKC LCC and catch up on the amazing book sharing videos released over the special vacation and more!

Fun facts about reading

Reading is self-care: Reading reduces stress by 68%.

Books are personal: Children who own books are more likely to become regular readers than those who don’t have books at home.

It all adds up: Reading just 20 minutes a day equates to reading 1,800,000 words per year.

It builds fluency: Reading is the best way to build your vocabulary and this is most evident in children. Libraries are cool!: Kids read 50% more books if they have a mini library in their classroom.